Senin, 11 April 2011

Iklan Bulan Ini!!! (TUGAS)

Produk yang dibuat dengan mengambil ekstrak
kandungan bahan – bahan alami yang ada di alam, sehingga memberikan alternatif
kosmetik perawatan yang aman, sehat dan alami.

Paket Perawatan Wajah Beauty Light ini terdiri dari :
- Night Cream

- Day Cream

- Beauty soap

Warna pink : untuk usia 12th sd < 40th

Warna hijau : usia 40 th ke atas

Mari kita sayangi wajah kita dengan perwatan yang aman.Lindung kulit wajah dari bahaya Mercury, Hydroquinon, dan zat-zat berbahaya lainnya....

Dengan pemakaian teratur, segala kotoran,sel-sel kulit mati sehingga wajah bersih dan cantik alami...
Kegunaan Produk Beauty Light:
  • Melembabkan wajah, mencerahkan wajah sehingga tampak lebih bersih, putih dan segar
  • Membantu menyamarkan noda hitam, flek di wajah karena efek KB, noda bekas jerawat
  • Menghilangkan jerawat dan bekas jerawat yang belubang
  • Menyamarkan garis halus di mata, kerut di wajah dan memperlambat tanda-tanda penuaan dini
  • Mengecilkan pori-pori, membuat kulit halus dan kenyal
  • Memberikan nutrisi alami kulit dengan Serum Vitamin A, C, E
  • Melindungi kulit dari sinar matahari dengan tabir surya SPF 25
Cara Pemakaian:
  • Oleskan cream pada wajah dan leher jika perlu sampai merata dan tipis secara    teratur.
  • Gunakan sesuai aturan, pagi/ siang gunakan cram siang dan malam gunakan cream malam.     

Hal yang perlu diperhatikan:
  • Awal perawatan jangan memakai kosmetik berupa bedak tabur/ compact    powder
  • Usap wajah dengan lembut saat mengoles cream, jangan menggosok pada saat mencuci wajah dengan sabun
  • Hindari terpapar sengatan matahari terlalu lama
  • Tidak berenang di awal perawatan
  • Masa adaptasi ( 1 minggu) jika kulit memerah dan gatal adalah normal karena kulit wajah mengalami pengangkatan sel mati
  • Kulit sensitif gunakan sabun terlebih dahulu selama 3 hari untuk membersihkan.
  • Lalu gunakan cream siang 1 minggu kemudian gunakan keseluruhan produk.
·                     Kulit berjerawat bersihkan wajah dengan sabun lebih sering.

 Kandungan Bahan Utama:

Alpha arbutin
Meminimalkan bercak  atau flek pada wajah
dan mengurangi tingkat penyamakan kulit setelah terkena UV. Ia bekerja dengan
pemblokiran tirosinase menghambat rantai reaksi melanogenesi.

saat ini dipasarkan secara luas sebagai agen depigmenting yang bagus untuk
kulit dan efektif jika ditambahkan ke formulasi  untuk mencerahkan kulit.

Purac BF 41 (AHA)
Produk ini dirancang untuk digunakan dalam produk AHA. Membantu untuk Exfoliating kulit (pengelupasan kulit) tanpa menyebabkan iritasi dan terasa terbakar.
Selain itu, dapatmembantu melenyapkan kerutan-kerutan halus, noda akibat penuaan pada wajah,bekas jerawat dan memperkecil pori-pori.

glabridin dapat menghambat melanogenesis. Dan memiliki efek synergis ketika bekerja sama dengan alpha arbutin dan AHA.berfungsi sebagai whitening bekerja menghambat kerja tyrosinasedalam pembentukan melanin.Glabridin juga mempunyai khasiat sebagai anti inflamasi dan anti radiasi dari sinar UV matahari sehingga dapat mengurangi / menghindari terjadi kemerahan pada kulit kita selama efek whiteningnya bekerja.

Hamamelis Virginiana (Witch Hazel Extract)
Berfungsi sebagai anti iritasi dan anti inflamasi, dan mengurangi luka
bakar yang dirasakan atau kemerahan yang disebabkan oleh bahan aktif atauExfoliating efek.menghapus kerut dan jaringan halus di sekitar mata.

Malaleuca Alternifolia (Ekstrak Tea tree)
Berfungsi sebagai bahan aktif untuk pengelupasan kulit secara alami. Berfungsi sebagai agen anti bakteri dan anti acne. Untuk mencegah jerawat yang disebabkan oleh bahan comedogenic. Mengeringkan jerawat dan menghilangkannya dari wajah.

Shea Butter
meningkatkan penghalang alami fungsi kulit dan meningkatkan tingkat kelembaban dan membantu regenerasi sel.kulit menjadi halus dan mulus, membantu terhadap sinar ultraviolet dan membantu dengan restrukturisasi efek pada bagian epidermis kulit.

L- Ascorbic Acid 2G (Vitamin C) 
Merangsang sel memproduksi sendiri kolagen dari dalam kulit pembentukan pigmen melanin, sehingga wajah lebih bersih dan cerah. Pengurangan tampilan garis-garis halus dan kerutan.

Tocopheryl Acetat / Vitamin E Asetat  
Vitamin E yang berfungsi sebagai nutrisi kulit. Untuk membuat kulit halus,
segar dan sehat.
HARGA : Rp.170.000
PEMESANAN HUB : Elda (08527771900)

Mengubah Layout BloQ Dengan Mudah

Bagi para pengguna bloq ( blokers ) tentunya ingin memiliki bloq dengan layout yang menarik, oleh karena itu banyak terdapat situs-situs yang menawarkan bermacam-macam layout untuk di download. Namun, bagi pengguna bloq pemula ( blokers pemula ) pastinya sering mengalami kesulitan untuk mengubah layout pada bloqnya. Seperti saya, waktu itu saya sempat kebingungan bagaimana cara mengubah tampilan layout pada bloq saya agar terlihat lebih menarik dan unik seperti bloq yang lainnya. Oleh karena itu untuk berbagi pengalaman, saya akan memberikan beberapa tips mengenai bagaimana cara mengubah tampilan layout pada bloq dengan mudah.
· Pertama-tama klik Dasboard yang terletak di pojok atas bloq kalian.
· Kemudian, klik edit HTML dan hapus kode HTML bloq yang lama ( terletak di kotak bawah ).
Setelah itu kalian dapat mendownload layout bloq di atau kalian juga dapat mendownloadnya lewat situs

· Pilih salah satu layout yang kalian sukai, klik dan download layout tersebut.
· Setelah selesai di download, klik kanan pilih open containing folder.
· Lalu, klik kanan pilih Extract file. Setelah di extract folder tersebut akan berubah menjadi XML Document, klik kanan dan open with Wordpad.
· Copy kode HTML layout tersebut, kemudian paste ke dalam kotak di Edit HTML dan klik simpan.
· Kemudian klik Teruskan Widget dan setelah itu klik Lihat Bloq…
Semoga tips ini dapat memberikan informasi kepada kalian…
Selamat mencoba…


Dewasa ini banyak aliran music yang berunsur visual-kei, terutama dinegeri sakura yang kita kenal dengan nama Jepang. Mengapa saya memilih topik ini? Hal ini dikarenakan hobi saya yang menyukai band-band Jepang yang bernuansa visual-kei. Untuk memulai pembahasan topic kali ini, pertama-tama saya akan membahas apa itu visual-kei.
Visual Kei merupakan penggabungan dari kata Visual(bahasa Inggris), dan Kei(bahasa Jepang) yang mempunyai arti ‘gaya’. Jika komunitas Punk berasal dari London, maka Visual kei berasal dari Jepang. Visual Kei (ヴィジュアル系 ,bijuaru kei?) mengacu pada sebuah gerakan dalam J-Rock yang populer pada sekitar tahun 1990-an. Gerakan ini ditandai dengan band yang mengenakan kostum dramatis dan imej visual untuk memperoleh perhatian. Di Jepang, penggemar band Visual Kei sebagian besar hampir selalu terdiri dari gadis remaja dan dipasarkan secara luas dalam bentuk merchandise anggota band itu sendiri. Di negara-negara lain, perbandingannya kecil secara kuantitas antara penganut Visual Kei kira-kira keseluruhan antara remaja putra dan putri.
Anggota band Visual Kei sering memakai make up yang mencolok, dengan gaya potongan rambut yang dramatis, yang mengingatkan pada “pita rambut” tahun 1980-an dan memakai kostum yang sangat rumit. Walaupun sebagian besar musisi adalah laki-laki. Anggota band sering bermake up dan memakai pakaian yang dapat dianggap sebagai feminin atau androgynous. Pada akhirnya sebagian band kembali pada image warna – warni dan fantastik yang populer sekitar 5 tahun lalu yang diinspirasi game RPG dan anime. Daya tarik kostum pada fans adalah dengan ditunjukkan oleh para gadis yang berpakaian cosplay sebagai anggota band favorit mereka, secara terpisah pada konser di Jepang, di Amerika pada acara-acara anime.
Band visual kei yang diartikan sebagai yang utama dari gaya visual, tidak mengacu pada jenis musik tertentu. Mereka sebagian memainkan musik rock, hard rock seperti Luna Sea, Dir en Grey, Penicillin, Due'le Quartz, Plastic Tree, musik gothic dan neoclassic seperti Malice Mizer, Moi Dix Mois, Rentrer en Soi, D'espairs Ray dan Phantasmagoria, Light Rock dan Pop seperti L'Arc~en~Ciel, Glay, Shazna dan musik heavy metal dan Ballad seperti X Japan, Loudness, Buck- Tick, Sex Machine Gun, selain itu musik industrial, punk, dan techno kadang - kadang juga masuk ke dalamnya. Dengan mengambil genre dalam arti yang luas, sebagian besar memutuskan memainkan beberapa jenis musik rock.
Pengamat barat seringkali kebingungan dalam membedakan Visual Kei Band dengan Band Gothic karena kadang-kadang penampilannya yang mirip dalam bermake up dan berpakaian, tetapi sebagian gothic Jepang tidak bisa memasukkan visual Kei menjadi Gothic, dan disana ada persilangan budaya kecil antara Visual Kei Jepang dan Gothic Jepang diluar model gothic lolita, yang mana dipengaruhi oleh subbudaya gothic.
Secara luas gerakan ini telah dimulai oleh X Japan pada tahun 1980-an, yang mengangkat tren dari pemanfaatan visual shock untuk memperoleh pengakuan dalam kancah musik independen.
Kini, di banyak negara di dunia, Visual Kei bukan lagi sebuah gaya fashion dan musik, sekarang, Visual Kei sudah menjadi gaya hidup seiring dengan berkembangnya zaman.

The Prevention of Women Osteoporosis In UK

1.1 Background of Research
Health is the state of being well and free from illness in body or mind; the condition of a person’s body or mind ( Oxford, 1995 : 551 ). Health is important things for human life without it we can not tread our activities normally. Human are usually susceptible from illnesses especially women. There are some illnesses that susceptible for women, for example osteoporosis.
Caucasian and Asian women are highest to risk osteoporosis than African American and Hispanic women. It is happen because their fair skin. Women who has a white skin is highest to risk by osteoporosis because they have many changes especially in the hormonal, from young, teens, adults until they old.
Osteoporosis is defined by the World Health Organization as a systemic skeletal disorder characterised by low bone mass and micro-architectural deterioration of bone tissue with a consequent increase in bone fragility and susceptibility to fracture ( ). However, in adult practice, osteoporosis is usually defined on the assessment of bone density alone in the absence of any fractures. There are several factors why women are highest to risk osteoporosis and there are also several steps to prevent it.
In this scientific research paper, the writer wants to analyze The Prevention of Women Osteoporosis In UK. The subject which the writer wants to analyze is the prevention of women who risk osteoporosis.
The writer choose this topic because approximately three million people in the UK have osteoporosis, and women commonly lose 30-50% of their bone mass over their lifetimes than men. In this study, the writer hopes that this study can give significant input for the students about the prevention of osteoporosis and keep they healthy from osteoporosis.
2.1 Theory of Osteoporosis
The word osteoporosis literally means "porous bones." It occurs when bones lose an excessive amount of their protein and mineral content, particularly calcium. Over time, bone mass, and therefore bone strength, is decreased. As a result, bones become fragile and break easily. Even a sneeze or a sudden movement may be enough to break a bone in someone with severe osteoporosis ( ).
Osteoporosis is a condition in which the bones become weak and easily broken, eg because of a lack of CALCIUM ( Oxford, 1995 : 819 ).
Osteoporosis occurs when your bones lose a certain percentage of their mineral density. It can lead to severe fractures, including those in the hip and spine. These fractures can be very painful and may limit your independence and freedom ( ).
Osteoporosis is a condition that affects the bones, causing them to become thin and weak ( ).
Osteoporosis is a condition where the rate of bone loss is greater than the rate of bone production. There are many factors which contribute to the condition including, race, diet, lifestyle, hereditary factors and gender ( ).
Osteoporosis is a condition that develops slowly over several years. The symptoms are not obvious in the early stages of the condition and can take months or years to appear. The early warning signs of osteoporosis can include joint pains and having difficulty standing or sitting up straight ( ).
2.3 The Prevention of Osteoporosis
The overall health of a person's bones is determined by many things, ranging from how well the bones were formed as a youth to the person's physical activity level over the years. Osteoporosis is common disease that often affects postmenopausal women. There are several factors why women are highest to risk osteoporosis than men. This is due to the decrease in the hormone oestrogen after the menopause, which is essential for healthy bones. Women are at greater risk of developing osteoporosis when they have an early menopause (before the age of 45), a hysterectomy before the age of 45, particularly when the ovaries are also removed, or when their periods are absent for a long time (more than six months) as a result of over-exercising or over-dieting.
Osteoporosis also have signs, the signs include frequent broken bones or fractures, low back pain or a hunched back. You may also get shorter over time because osteoporosis can cause your vertebrae (the bones in your spine) to collapse. These problems tend to occur after a lot of bone calcium has already been lost. Osteoporosis can be a very debilitating condition that can have an extremely detrimental effect on health, quality of life and emotional and psychological health and welfare.
There are several case about women who risk osteoporosis in UK. There are :
· Jane Oden has osteoporosis when she 35 years old. She had been come to the hospital and got some treatment for her osteoporosis like Alendronate and Risedronate. This treatment are used to help prevent and treat osteoporosis. They help reduce the risk of fractures by decreasing the rate of bone loss. They are taken orally in pill form. Then after she used this treatment for 5 years she felt better than before. Now, she can do her activity normally.
· Christine Borgstrom ( 45 ) also have the same disease with Jane Oden. She know about her illness after she had been checked by DEXA scan. DEXA scan is a bone density scan, called a dual energy X-ray absorptiometry, it is important to measure the density of bones and compares this to a normal range. When she got “ T score “, her score is below -2.5. After that, she took a Ibandronate this is a treatment which helps to slow bone loss and increases bone density. It is available both as a pill or as an injection. But until now, there is no change from it.
From this cases, the writer found the differences between the first case and the second case. In the first case, the women who risk osteoporosis can be healed but not for the second women. Nevertheless, both of them have the same disease because around age 35 — all adults start to lose bone mass. In women, the rate of bone loss speeds up after menopause, when estrogen levels fall. Since the ovaries make estrogen, faster bone loss may also occur if both ovaries are removed by surgery. Because about it, women commonly lose 30-50% of their bone mass over their lifetimes. Besides that women who stop menstruating early because of heredity, surgery or lots of physical exercise may lose large amounts of bone tissue early in life. Conditions such as anorexia and bulimia also may lead to early menopause and osteoporosis. But it's never too late or too early to take steps to prevent it.
There are several ways to prevent osteoporosis, such as :
· Become familiar with the disease. Osteoporosis causes bones to become weak and brittle, which leads to increased bone fractures. The disease is often the result of low levels of calcium, phosphorus and other minerals in your bones. It can make the bones so weak that mild stresses, like bending over or coughing, can cause a painful fracture. Find out if you have a family history of osteoporosis, as this may increase your chances of developing it. When you reach menopause, be sure to get regular bone-density screenings.
· Increase your calcium intake. Getting adequate amounts of calcium is very important in reducing your risk of osteoporosis. However, the amount you need changes throughout your lifetime. Calcium needs are highest during childhood, adolescence, pregnancy, breast-feeding and postmenopause. As we age, our bodies become less efficient at absorbing calcium, and medications that we often need when we get older interfere with our calcium absorption. Premenopausal women (and postmenopausal women who use hormone therapy) should consume at least 1,000 milligrams of calcium a day. Postmenopausal women not using hormone therapy or anyone older than 65 needs 1,500 milligrams of calcium daily. Dairy products are a great source of calcium, but they're not the only way to get your recommended daily allowance. Almonds, broccoli, cooked kale, canned salmon with bones, oats, and soy products are also rich in calcium. You can also consider taking a daily calcium supplement.
· Increase your vitamin-D intake. Vitamin D is also important for reducing your risk of osteoporosis. This nutrient improves bone health by helping calcium absorption, as well as improving muscle strength. Women of all ages need between 800 and 2,000 international units (IU) of vitamin D each day. Spending about 30 minutes a day in the sunlight can provide an adequate amount of vitamin D, but it's also present in oily fish such as sardines and tuna as well as egg yolks. Many calcium supplements have added vitamin D.
· Exercise regularly. Exercise can help strengthen bones and slow bone loss. It's best to start exercising regularly at a young age and continue doing so throughout your life, but it will benefit your bones no matter how old you are. Strength-training exercises build muscles and bones in your arms and upper spine, and weight-bearing exercises such as walking, jogging and stair-climbing can help strengthen the bones in your legs, hips and lower spine.
· Other lifestyle factors that can help prevent osteoporosis include:
Quitting smoking - cigarette smoking is associated with an increased risk of osteoporosis, and limiting your alcohol intake . Because smoking increases bone loss, decreases the amount of estrogen a woman's body makes and reduces the absorption of calcium in the intestine. Women should also avoid excessive alcohol (more than two drinks a day), because it may decrease bone formation and reduce your body's ability to absorb calcium. During and after menopause, hormone therapy can reduce your risk of osteoporosis.
If every women do this steps daily, the writer believe that every women can avoid from osteoporosis. It is better making some simple changes now can help reduce women’s risk of developing osteoporosis later on if this steps can conduct from young. Because when we young, our body can produce hormone oestrogen much better rather than in old age.
In our body, bone is a living tissue that is constantly repairing itself. It is made of a hard outer shell, which contains a mesh of collagen ( tough elastic fibres ), minerals, blood vessels and bone marrow. This mesh looks a bit like a honeycomb, with spaces between the different parts. Healthy bones are very dense, and the spaces within bones are small.
Bones are repaired and reinforced by a range of proteins and minerals, which are absorbed from the bloodstream. They include calcium, phosphorus, proteins and amino acids. The growth of sex hormones controls the amount of mineral substance deposited in the bones. Changes in hormone levels can therefore affect the strength of the bones. Especially, the female hormone oestrogen offers some protection against osteoporosis. After the menopause, oestrogen levels fall, often causing the bones to thin quickly.
So, in old age we can not produce hormone oestrogen much better. Because about it the body becomes less able to replace worn-out bone. Special cells within the bones, called living bone cells, are no longer able to break down old bone and renew it with healthy, dense new bone. Besides that, in old age we also lose a certain amount of bone, causing the bones to become thinner. The bones become fragile and more likely to break (fracture), particularly the bones of the spine, wrist and hips.
3.1 Conclusion
In this chapter, the writer wants to extend the points of conclusion that :
· Women is risk to attack by osteoporosis than men. It is because women have many changes in the hormonal.
· Osteoporosis happens more commonly in old age ( around age 35 ) when the body becomes less able to replace worn-out bone and lose a certain amount of bone. Because of that special cells within the bones, called living bone cells, are no longer able to break down old bone and renew it with healthy, dense new bone and the bones become fragile and more likely to break (fracture), particularly the bones of the spine, wrist and hips.
· Women can be attacked by osteoporosis after menopause, when estrogen levels fall. Besides that women who stop menstruating early because of heredity, surgery or lots of physical exercise may lose large amounts of bone tissue early in life. Because about it, women commonly lose 30-50% of their bone mass over their lifetimes.
· There are several signs of osteoporosis include frequent broken bones or fractures, low back pain or a hunched back, get shorter over time. These problems tend to occur after a lot of bone calcium has already been lost.
· But, osteoporosis can be prevented if we become familiar with the disease, increase our calcium intake ( almonds, broccoli, cooked kale, canned salmon with bones, oats, and so on ), increase our vitamin-D intake ( oily fish and egg yolks ), make some exercise regularly, stop smoking and alcohol.
3.2 Suggestion
The writer wants to suggest that :
· If you want to avoid from osteoporosis, you must keep your body from smoking and alcohol.
· If you feel unwell when you become old, you must check your body and your condition in the hospital.
· Besides that, increase healthy food and supplements like vitamin-D is important things for our body to prevent osteoporosis.

Analysis Character of Karl Richter In Novel Up At The Villa by W. Somerset Maugham

1.1 Background of Research
In novel “ Up At The Villa “ written by W. Somerset Maugham, there are several characters that have intellectual and emotional deep from this novel that makes the story is alive. But, there is one character which makes the writer interest to analyze it. The writer choose Karl Richter because he have emotional deep and bad memorize in his past, he is the one character which has the same memorize in the past with central character in the novel. Because about it, the writer interest to discuss about Analysis Character of Karl Richter In Novel Up At The Villa by using physiological approach. In this scientific research paper, the writer use physiological approach and literary from physiologist and linguist such as Sigmund Freud, Oxford, and so on. It is can help the writer and the readers to understanding the topic and to enrich this research contents. In this study, the writer only focus to the character of Karl Richter for main discussion. From this scientific research paper, the writer hopes that this study can give significant input for study of English prose.
2.1 Character and Physiology
Sigmund Freud said that psychoanalysis has three applications:
  1. a method of investigation of the mind and the way one thinks;
  2. a systematized set of theories about human behavior;
  3. a method of treatment of psychological or emotional illness.
Freudian psychoanalysis refers to a specific type of treatment in which the "analysand" (analytic patient) verbalizes thoughts, including free associations, fantasies, and dreams, from which the analyst formulates the unconscious conflicts causing the patient's symptoms and character problems, and interprets them for the patient to create insight for resolution of the problems.
Character is all the mental or moral qualities that make a person, group, nation, etc different from others ( Oxford, 1995 : 186 ).
From that two theories, in novel character is identically by physiology because without have emotional and behavior character can not alive and the reader can not feel the interaction in the story.
In novel “ Up At The Villa “ the round character of Karl Richter is the guy who escape from his country. He is a student of art, he is young and he run into Italy as a violinist. He like to smoking, he can speak English well enough but with a foreign accent and also pleasant. But, he has bad memorize in his past. His father die because of shot himself through the heart when he finishing his education. The police has arrested him because of the his father accident. This is make him become introvert.
The character of Karl Richter has emotional deep in his behavior it is because the author wants to make the different character, different emotional, and different situation than others character to make the readers interesting to the story.
2.2 Setting and Character
The setting is the location where the story takes place. A story may take place in a home, countryside, town, school, or wherever the author chooses to have the action occur. The setting is usually revealed very early in a story ( ).
From character of Karl Richter, there are several setting which used the author to make the reader know what interaction that the character use to the other character such as :
1. Access to it was most convenient from the great room in which were the frescoes and thither she led him. On the way through he paused to look at a handsome cassone that stood against the wall; then he caught sight of the gramophone.
2. It was dark in the room, but the window were wide open and the moon shone in. Mary was sitting in a straight-backed antique chair and the youth sat at her feet leaning his head against her knees. He was smoking a cigarette and in the darkness the glow shone red.
Setting helps the reader visualize the action of the work, and thus adds credibility and an air of authenticity to the characters. It is important to create and sustain the illusion of life.
2.3 Plot
Plot is a plan or an outline of the events in a play or novel ( Oxford, 1995 : 887 ).
In novel “ Up At The Villa “ character of Karl Richter’s plot is describe forward and back, he always back to his past and it was called flashback. He tells to Mary why he escape into Italy and he also tell about his background.

2.4 Characterization

Characterization is the process of conveying information about characters in narrative or dramatic works of art or everyday conversation. Characters may be presented by means of description, through their actions, speech, or thoughts ( ).
The character of Karl Richter in novel “ Up At The Villa “ is not the central character or antagonist character but he just a round character. He only opposite and round character are not necessarily more alive or more convincing than others character. It is because Karl Richter only see at least two chapter in this novel, and he die in chapter two.
A few minutes later he got up. She was shattered. He stood at the side of the bed looking down at her.
“You asked me not to forget you. I shall forget, but you won’t.”
She did not stir. She glared at him with terrified eyes. He gave a little harsh laugh.
“Don’t be afraid. I’m not going to hurt you.”
She said nothing. Unable to withstand the anger of his cruel stare, she closed her eyes. She heard him move stealthily about the darkened room. Suddenly she heard a report and then the sound of a fall. It brought her to her feet with a shriek of dismay.
“God, what have you done ?”
He was lying in front of the window, with the moonlight pouring down on him. She flung herself down on her knees beside him and called him by his name.
2.4.1 Eros
Eros is desire or strong wish to have or to do something that has in human inside for example, married, relationship, and so on ( ).
He rose to his feet and passionately clasped her in his arms. He was twenty-three. She was not a goodness to pray to, but a woman to possess.
They went back into the silent house.
From that part, he and central character make a love in her room. It is mean, he has a desire to know more his partner. As human, it is normal because every people have desire into theyside.
Crowther, Jonathan. (1995). Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary. London: Oxford University Press